15 Lightner Road
York, PA 17404

Always made right®

Plastic packaging solutions designed to solve your biggest problems!

York plastic packaging

Altium has been very flexible and willing to invest and do some things within their network to satisfy us.

Chief Operating Officer Beverage Company

Through the pandemic, through a variety of supply chain challenges, we have had problems of every kind and Altium has been a rock. We’ve had virtually nothing that looks like a blip or a hiccup over the last couple of years. They have really truly been our partner.

Vice President, Operations Specialty Chemical Company

In our world, local manufacturing is crucial. Logistics play a significant role in what we do. Altium’s footprint of manufacturing facilities aligns nicely with where we have our strong customer bases.

Executive Vice President Packaging Distribution Partner

Every time I reach out to someone at Altium, no matter what the level is, people are very responsive to getting back to me, which is important. It’s something that helps me understand that we are in important customer to Altium.

Chief Operating Officer Beverage Company

We’ve used Altium’s design services and have been to the design lab. We redesigned nearly our entire package portfolio over a period of 3 years and Altium’s services and capabilities were spectacular. We would do it again if needed!

Vice President, Operations Specialty Chemical Company

    Popular York Plastic Packaging Solutions

    An organization backed by over 100 years of experience, over 60 plants in the U.S. and Canada, and approximately 3,000 employees.

    York Plastic Packaging: Altium’s Sustainable Solutions Optimizing Regional Needs

    Introduction: Altium Packaging in York, Pennsylvania

    Altium Packaging, renowned for its diverse range of plastic packaging solutions, has steadily gained traction in the York, Pennsylvania region. The company offers an extensive portfolio that includes water and beverage bottles, food jars, healthcare containers, and personal care bottles, each designed with specific industry needs in mind.

    How York’s Key Industries Can Benefit from Altium’s Packaging Solutions

    York is a regional hub for multiple industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and food production. Each of these sectors presents unique opportunities for the incorporation of Altium’s innovative packaging solutions.

    The city’s robust manufacturing sector could utilize Altium’s automotive containers for storing and transporting products like gasoline additives, brake or steering fluid, motor oil, windshield treatment, antifreeze, and gear lubricant.

    York’s burgeoning healthcare industry might find use in Altium’s healthcare containers and nutrition & supplement bottles, ensuring safe storage and easy distribution of medical supplies and wellness products.

    Food production and processing companies could benefit from Altium’s food jars and containers and dairy bottles, helping preserve product quality and freshness, while enhancing the aesthetic appeal.

    Commitment to Sustainable Packaging Initiatives

    Sustainability forms a key pillar of Altium’s operation strategy. The company’s commitment to sustainable packaging takes into account the entire product lifecycle – from sourcing eco-friendly raw materials to waste reduction in the design process, efficient manufacturing practices, and end-of-life product disposal.

    By promoting the use of recyclable materials and employing innovative designs, Altium effectively minimizes waste, thereby lessening its environmental footprint and aiding the overall industry’s progression towards sustainable practices.

    Personal Care Bottles: Altium’s Sustainable Contribution to Everyday Life

    Altium’s influence stretches beyond industrial sectors, making its way into the households of York residents. Altium’s personal care bottles, packaging everything from shampoos to lotions, introduce consumers to the company’s commitment to sustainability. Choosing Altium’s packaging solutions for everyday products is an easy way for consumers to make environmentally responsible choices.

    Conclusion: The Future of York’s Plastic Packaging with Altium

    By providing sustainable, versatile plastic packaging solutions, Altium Packaging is redefining the plastic packaging industry in York. Catering to the region’s key sectors, their wide array of products meets specific industry needs while upholding a commitment to sustainable practices.

    Whether it’s the manufacturing sector, healthcare industry, food production companies, or the everyday consumer, Altium Packaging is demonstrating how quality, innovation, and environmental responsibility can go hand-in-hand. It’s clear that the future of plastic packaging in York will be greatly influenced by Altium’s continued presence and growth.